50 Moments of “Mindfulness Made Meaningful”

Ever reflect on the ‘meaning’ of your LinkedIn headline?

Mine has read ‘meaningful’ for ages. But I never said why.

I talk about Mindfulness a lot on LinkedIn. And share lots of content.

But why does my headline read “Mindfulness made meaningful”? 🤷‍♂️

So I took a few moments to reflect…

…insert totally made up image of mindful reflection 🧘‍♂️ …

And decided to set myself a new challenge!

“50 Moments of Mindfulness Made Meaningful”

Each week, I’ll share a meaningful mindfulness moment.

I’ll add a write up, visual or link to the list below 👇

It might be…

- A past experience
- A fresh learning
- A new creation
- A nostalgic post

It’s that simple. I hope it's meaningful.

The Meaningful Moments

No #1 The Wheel of Mindfulness
No #2 The Mindfulness Well of Presence
No #3
Radio Mindful
No #4 ….


No #1

Monday 10th June

The Wheel of Mindfulness

“A seed of creativity and a snapshot of mindfulness”

The Wheel of Mindfulness 🎡

Being open and curious towards new ideas, experiences and learning, is at the heart of mindfulness. What is known as a “Beginner’s Mind” attitude - as if seeing the world through the eyes of a child. This attitude also provides fertile conditions for creativity in our work. When I first created “The Wheel of Mindfulness” a year ago, I approached my challenge with a Beginner’s Mind.

How could I take something old, like the “Emotion Wheel” which shared so much insight and inspiration - a snapshot of our emotional world in a single view - and use it as inspiration to share a snapshot of the world of Mindfulness?

So I took the old and rebuilt it with fresh eyes. This process provided the catalyst for so much creative exploration in my work, courses and writing. In how I approached creating visuals on Canva and even how I generated ideas, structured and prepared audio courses I’ve shared without thousands on Waking Waves and Insight Timer.

So “The Wheel of Mindfulness” feels the perfect place to begin this journey, which is both reflective and creative. A beginning revisited. And fresh gratitude for the seeds of inspiration which made it possible.

Take a spin on The Wheel of Mindfulness


No #2

Monday 17th June

The Mindfulness Well of Presence

“Draw from The Mindfulness Well of Presence”

The Mindfulness Well of Presence 💧 
(and “The Mindfulness Map”)

There are many reasons we come to Mindfulness. We want to relieve stress or find a reliable source of calm. We feel we need to get control of our emotions, or our working lives. Or perhaps there is something missing. And this fills a gap?

And although these are likely outcomes, we often discover much greater depths beneath the surface. The Mindfulness Well of Presence is a glimpse beneath. A reliable source of awareness and presence we can return to any time.

1) Practice

Our intention to live mindfully paves the way to presence. Being open, curious and trusting enriches meditation and connection with the world and others.

💧 Without practice, presence soon runs dry.

2) Presence

Increases through non-judgemental attention on whatever is here right now. A practice, a difficult conversation, a busy mind, or a stressful work task. 

💧 Without presence, we’re lost in future and past.

3) Awareness

Is always present. Always now. It grows when we bring mindful attention to sensations and thoughts or to emotions and difficulty. 

💧 With awareness, comes calm, focus & compassion.

4) Insight

Deepens when more time is spent in awareness and presence. Our appetite and capacity for change grows. 

💧 With insight we reveal more nourishing choices.

No #3

Monday 24th June

Radio Mindfulness

“Tune into your favourite focus of attention”

Radio Mindfulness 🎙️

Recently during a guided meditation, a teacher said “Now change your focus to the breath, as if you were switching stations on a radio”

Simple guidance. But crystal clear. And a powerful choice too. To consciously switch the focus of our attention Tuning in to whatever is present 📻

Because whether it’s a difficult meditation, meeting, or conversation, sometimes we simply need a shift in awareness. So we neither resist nor cling to what’s here.

  • We create space. 

  • We relieve stress. 

  • We gain perspective.

So in post #3 of 50 moments of "Mindfulness Made Meaningful” I’m sharing 6 ever-present stations…on Radio Mindful 🎙️

📻 Breath AM

Breathe deeply to benefit from parasympathetic calm.

📻 Sensation CITY 

Mindfully scan head to toe to regulate & destress

📻 Taste CLASSIC 

Tantalise your tastebuds with a mindful awareness classic

📻 Thought FM

Observe not judge the busy mind, to ease anxiety

📻 Movement GROOVE

Get a feel-good high as you mindfully move

📻 Open RADIO 

Be open to all experiences to reduce reactivity

No #4

Monday 1st July

The Tree of Mindfulness

“Find your inspiration for growth on…”

The Tree of Mindfulness 🌳

Last year my daughter suggested “Why not create a Tree of Mindfulness Daddy?”. This planted a seed for me. First, I created a guided meditation. But the seed continued to grow. And then last week, I thought “Ah, I wonder if I could create something else?”

Just as inspiration for mindful practice comes from many sources, the practice of Mindfulness can become the source of inspiration for the self-supportive wellbeing choices we make in life. 

This might be to exercise more, to practice meditation daily, to mindfully move in the morning. To pick up the phone and call our friends for social support. To create something new from something old. To begin again. 

It can be a seed we plant long ago, which becomes our Tree of Mindfulness 🌳

Waves of transformation

Waves of Transformation

To learn many more mindful ways to live and manage stress, get your free guided courses and resources here.

Look out for future moments of “Mindfulness Made Meaningful” 

All the best,


Waking Waves
📧 hello@wakingwaves.com
☎️ book call to discuss courses or coaching


Radio Mindful 🎙️


The Mindfulness Map