More focus on this moment


Under pressure to perform or get results, whether for mission driven brands, or rapidly scaling startups, I’m acutely aware of the expectation we place on ourselves and our teams. Not to mention the stress, overwhelm and fatigue we can experience as a result.

Unless we strike a balance, something, somewhere, tends to break or crash. Often with unhappy consequences for our own mental and physical wellbeing. Waves of negative energy reach colleagues and loved ones too, impacting our lives, careers and the personal or organisational goals we aim for.

By learning to notice the rushing currents, we can find space and focus to respond, rather than be pulled by reaction. And by recognising patterns of behaviour and coping strategies, we can grasp the insight and choices available. We gain stability wherever we stand and resilience for when we fall. We discover greater flow, happiness and purpose, without an upstream battle.

A man with a beard wearing a teal shirt smiles at the camera

As seen on

7100+ course participants

2100+ reviews

Top Voice for Mindfulness

Linkedin Blue Badge

The Marketing Academy logo in blue with stylized letters "MA" on the left.

Virtual Campus Speaker

9000+ global leaders

Inspiring Organisations

Mindfulness and Compassion for the mission and purpose driven



from £495

Benefits for organisation and teams

  • Instantly usable tools for managing stress, anxiety, fatigue and overwhelm

  • Purposeful team engagement in self-care and wellbeing management

  • Positive habit forming to empower self-reliance and real resilience building.

  • Personal development and learning opportunities for sustainable change

What is included?

  • 90 min, half and full day format over zoom or onsite

  • Recording for short home meditation practice

  • Guided short meditations provided in session

  • Presentation materials shared post workshop

Workshop topics

  • Mindfulness and Compassion for focus and wellbeing

  • Responding not Reacting to Stress

  • Wellbeing Balance in times of Stress

Download a brochure


Tailored Programmes

from £1800

Benefits for organisation and teams

  • Instantly usable tools for managing stress, anxiety, fatigue and overwhelm

  • Purposeful team engagement in self-care and wellbeing management

  • Positive habit forming to empower self-reliance and real resilience building.

  • Evidence-backed practices grounded in science.

  • Builds culture of compassionate communication

  • Visible and purposeful investment in people + CPD points in 8 week format

What is included?

  • Adaptation of 4, 6 or 8 week formats [see courses ]

  • Includes all resources and recordings from these formats

What can be tailored?

  • Flexible duration 1- 2 hours weekly teaching sessions [zoom]

  • Optional onsite sessions and up to 2.5 hour retreat

  • Customisable elements to suit organisational needs [4 & 6 week]

  • Focused coaching or department specific content

  • Full access to Waking Waves of Connection hub

Make A Wish logo
Disability Sports COach logo


Waves of Connection

man purple t-shirt by tree

4 and 6 week coaching program

£495 or £695

Integrate Mindfulness and Compassion in every day life and work

Mindfulness and compassion centred coaching and development providing practical strategies and tools, to reduce life and work stress, while developing self-supportive and sustainable habits and behaviours for a healthier and happier life.

How will this programme help me?

  • Learn strategies for managing stress, anxiety and overwhelm

  • Increase your capacity for focus, attention and happiness

  • Develop supportive habits for better sleep or pain management

  • Discover a reliable place of calm in your life

  • Flexible and adaptable to your learning pace

  • Integrate research and evidence-backed practices into your routine

  • Inspiration to develop a lifelong wellbeing practice

What is included?

  • 4 or 6 x 90min weekly teaching sessions [zoom]

  • Guided meditations provided in session

  • Supported self-reflection and inquiry

  • Recordings for home meditations

  • Invites to Waking Waves livestreams

Steps to get started

  1. Book a place below and select start date

  2. Complete the pre-session questions you receive

  3. Receive your welcome pack from Waking Waves!


What to expect from Waking Waves


“My time working with Derek was instrumental in supporting my wellbeing, helping me build resilience and confidence. I know any person or business will be very lucky to work with him on nurturing theirs”

— Fay Ganney, Treedom

A group of runners participating in a race, with one wearing a pink "Tommy's" shirt. The race is taking place on a city street, lined with spectators behind yellow barriers. The runners are wearing race numbers on their chests.

“Working with Waking Waves during a tough time was transformational for me, not only in helping me to see the bigger picture, but practicing mindfulness gave me the space to process what was going on. I quickly learned how to let go, breathe and deal with anything life threw at me. It was life changing..”

Dan Collins

FT Longitude
(Financial Times Company)
Head Global Business Development

“Waves of Wellbeing and Resilience”

Man in a blue jacket and gray beanie standing on a viewing platform overlooking a scenic landscape with rocky terrain, grassy areas, and a winding river under a cloudy sky.

“Bringing the team together for a Waking Waves workshop on stress management was invaluable as we could all share experiences together. [we learned]…the science behind mindfulness – and that not all stress is bad! However, if things feel too much, there are simple steps to ground yourself. The breathing exercises led by Derek were a great example.”

Amardeep Gill

Disability Sports Coach
Head of Fundraising/Comms

“Stress Management Workshop”