Leave Stress in Your Wake

Mindfulness and compassion centred coaching, courses and workshops, proven to reduce stress and promote greater physical and mental health, wellbeing and resilience.

Derek Hill, Waking Waves

As seen on

7100+ course participants

2100+ reviews

Top Voice for Mindfulness

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9000+ global leaders

“Work-related stress, burnout and poor mental health is resulting in 23.3 million sick days a year”

“Poor mental health is costing UK employers up to £56billion annually”

“$1trillion is the global cost in lost productivity due to anxiety and depression

— AXA UK and Centre of Economic & Business Research
— Deloitte & Mind Workplace Wellbeing Index
— World Health Organisation

We have lots in common.

The earth we walk on and air we breathe. The same sun, seas and environment feed our bodies and minds. Our families, cultures, communities and life situations shape our personalities and talents, our behaviours and habits. We react to this world too.

“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another - and ourselves.”

— Jack Kornfield


We experience stress as a natural reaction to demanding activities, events and situations we encounter in our lives and work. Stress can keep us safe from danger and can focus and motivate us, to get stuff done.


But major life events, workload and long hours can generate repeated acute, or chronic stress, leaving us high on stress hormones and adrenaline but low on energy, quality sleep and immunity. We fall out of balance.


Our physical and mental wellbeing suffers, eroded by continuous exposure to stressful events, habits and behaviours, leaving us vulnerable to illness, disease, psychological distress and physical pain.

What can we do about it?

But how?

There is no quick fix or cure.

But what about choice? Choice in how we spend the next moments of our day, our week or year? In how we respond, rather than react, to stress, to difficult life situations or work challenges? Choice in how we apply our talents, energy and creativity, to make the most of the opportunities, our lives and work present?

There are some helpful choices.


Swan heart shape close up

Introduction to Mindfulness and Compassion

Learn the basics of mindfulness and compassion, how to practically apply them in life and work, to reduce stress, increase focus and build resilience. Take away the tools, insights and resources you need to establish self-supportive habits.

4 week intro course: £140 (public group)

Business rates start at £1800

In a hurry? Take a course brochure



aerial view waves on beach

Waves of Wellbeing and Resilience

Dive deeper into the principles of mindfulness and compassion and learn how to apply them in daily life and work. Integrate the tools, insights and resources, to establish long term supportive habits and behaviours.

6 week full course: £180 (public group)

Business rates start at £1980

In a hurry? Take a course brochure



Bird flying in deep blue sky

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

With over 30 years of academic research and evidence base, Jon Kabat-Zinn’s worldwide recognised programme is proven to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, alongside many more health benefits. It may also inspire a lifelong healthy habit.

8 week MBSR course: £210 (public group)

Business rates start at £2380

In a hurry? Take a course brochure


Tailor made

path with stone pillars in landscaped garden

Tailor-made journeys for organisations and individuals

Bring the benefits of mindfulness and compassion to the heart of your organisation, connecting leaders, teams and others more meaningfully with your purpose, mission or vision.

Programmes, workshops and coaching


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