The Tree of Mindfulness 🌳

From deep roots to daily habits, how mindful practice bears the wellbeing fruit you need for a happier, healthier life.

In post #4 of 50 moments of "Mindfulness Made Meaningful” we plant a seed and start a wellbeing journey from root to fruit:

The Tree of Mindfulness

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📜 The Roots and Traditions 

People have long practiced non-judgmental present moment awareness! Mindfulness roots run deep in traditions like:

 - Buddhism

 - Taoism

 - Stoicism 

- Vipassana

 - Hinduism 

☯️ The 8 Foundational Attitudes  

Even the strongest roots need solid ground. And the 8 mindful attitudes will always nourish our growth:

 - Beginner’s Mind

 - Non-Judgement 

 - Acceptance

 - Trust

 - Patience

 - Gratitude

 - Non-Striving

 - Letting-Go 

🌱  Intentional growth

Much like a tree grows strong with water and sun, our intentions gives us a purposeful sense of direction. 

 - To be Open

 - To be Curious

 - To be Kind

 - To be Present

 - To be Empathetic

 - To be Responsive not Reactive

🪵  Core Focus of “Attention” 

Knowing Mindfulness is attending to ‘this moment’ now, means we can focus on anything we choose:

 - Body

 - Breath

 - Sounds 

- Taste

- Thought

- Movement

🌿 The Mindfulness Branches  

And whichever direction we choose, there’s ample opportunity for growth and insight.  

  - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

 - Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

 - Mindful Self-Compassion

 - Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

🍃 The Practices 

As we grow and deepen connection, we mindfully choose the practices which helps us flourish.

 - The Body Scan

 - Sitting Meditation

 - Breath Awareness

 - Mindful Movement 

🍎 The Fruit 

Whatever your intention for practice, the fruit is always worth your patience. Whether it’s:

 - Mental clarity 

 - Anxiety relief

 - Lower stress

 - Healthier sleep

 - Increased focus

 - Emotional regulation

 - Enhanced wellbeing

Waves of transformation

Waves of Transformation

To learn many more mindful ways to live and manage stress, get your free guided courses and resources here.

What’s your pick on “The Tree of Mindfulness”?

Derek Hill

Waking Waves
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Radio Mindful 🎙️