6 Mindful Powers of “The Breath” 😮‍💨

We do it thousands of times daily but barely notice. And no, it’s not picking up our phones, or scrolling social media.

It’s our breathing.

We take anywhere between 10-20 breaths per minute. Which means anywhere between 17,000 - 34,000 daily.

And as part of our respiratory system it crucially:

😮‍💨 brings oxygen for fuel

♻️ removes CO2 and waste

🗣️ helps us make sound and smell

And of course, it keeps us alive and healthy! But we barely notice 99% of our breaths. Except in those time when we exercise, run out of breath or are feeling particularly stressed. And rarely on those occasions is it a pleasant experience. 9 times out of 10, we’d rather it was less ragged, less shallow, or less anxious!

But what happens when we intentionally notice our breath?
When we become consciously and mindfully aware of breathing?

…we unlock some special powers

“6 Mindful Powers of The Breath”

💡 Focus - to stimulate cognitive activity.

🌱 Vitality - to boost energy levels and overall wellbeing.

🌀 Transformation - to increase self-awareness, empathy and compassion.

⚖️ Balance - to help regulate our nervous system and ease emotional reactivity.

😌 Tranquility - to lower stress levels and bring calm, relaxation and serenity.

♻️ Renewal - to refresh, detoxify and rejuvenate mind-body.

The following guide illustrates the 6 powers of the Breath and how they impact our brain and bodies. Beneath are short practice guides.

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Practice Guides

Diaphragmatic breathing

Sit or lie comfortably. Place 1 hand on your chest and 1 on your belly. Inhale deeply and slowly through the nose. Hold. Then exhale slowly. 

Box breathing

Inhale for 4 seconds. Hold for 4 seconds. Exhale for 4 seconds. Hold for 4 seconds. Repeat.

GAP breathing practice

  1. Sit and Ground yourself in body and breath.

  2. Bring Awareness to your body’s alignment, from base of spine to crown of head. 

  3. Now gather your attention in the Present moment, following the sensations of the breath in the whole body.

4-7-8 breathing

Inhale deeply through the nose for 4 seconds. Hold for 7 seconds. Exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds.

Coherent breathing 

Inhale into the belly for 5-6 seconds. Exhale for 5-6 seconds. Repeat for comfortable duration. 

Breath Awareness

Observe the breath and accompanying sensations, without judgement. For short or long periods.


So there you have it.

6 Mindful powers of The Breath and 6 practices, to boost physical and mental health and wellbeing. And only a fraction of the 17,000+ breaths you’ll take by tomorrow!

To learn more ways to manage your stress, or to support your team, book a short discovery call today.

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Waking Waves
📧 hello@wakingwaves.com
☎️ book call to discuss courses or coaching


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