8 Mindful Paths to Healthy Sleep

We can all do with a good night’s sleep…is probably the biggest understatement you will hear today!

Without a good night’s sleep - feeling tired, de-motivated and little grumpy - can be the least of our worries!

But what’s so important about “Healthy Sleep”?

💤 It energises and restores our bodies.

💤 It improves our cognitive function.

💤 It maintains good heart health.

💤 It helps regulate our emotions.

💤 It keeps metabolic balance.

💤 It lowers our stress levels.

💤 It boosts our immunity.

💤 It eases pain too.

It does so many things.

But without healthy sleep, we are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, weakened immunity, anxiety and mood disorders, stress and cognitive decline. And more besides.

[Read “The Sleep Foundation’s’ summary on physical, mental and emotional impact]

“But what if I can’t ever get healthy sleep?”

“What if I tried most things?”

Being alert and paying attention to the present moment may not sound like a recipe for slumber. But where there’s mindful intention and practice, there’s might just be a mindful path to healthy sleep. Here’s 8 mindful paths and reasons why:

“8 Mindful Paths to Healthy Sleep”

Deeper relaxation = more ready for sleep

Better sleep quality = more efficient sleep

Less rumination = less disturbed sleep

Emotional regulation = less arousal

Mind-body awareness = tension released

Regulated attention = less busy mind

Better sleep hygiene = primed for sleep

Able to ‘let go’ = less attached to thinking

The following guide illustrates the 8 Mindful Paths to Healthy Sleep and how they support us. Beneath are short mindfulness practice guides.

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8 mindful paths to sleep (Waking Waves)

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Practice Guides

Grounding practice

  1. Adjust your posture, or sit up straight. 

  2. Follow the next few breaths.

  3. Now tune into sensations from the feet, slowly up to the crown of the head. 

  4. Stay in this awareness, as long as you need.

Mindful pause

  1. Intentionally pause throughout your day.

  2. Bring awareness to your ‘internal’ weather.

  3. Ground in the body, breath or sounds.

  4. Return to your activity more mindful.

Mindful breathing for difficulty

  1. Dedicate some time to pause and practice

  2. Ground in the body, breath or sounds.

  3. Invite ‘difficult’ thoughts to arise. 

  4. Allow space for them. Be non-judgemental.

  5. Give yourself some kind words of support

[Guided meditation practice here]

Mindful Acceptance 

  1. Ground yourself in the body.

  2. Reflect on something we struggle to accept

  3. Recognise this and all things as ‘changing’

  4. Allow yourself to see potential for healing

[Guided meditation practice here]

Mindful movement 

  1. Stand or sit. Ground in body or breath. 

  2. Gently move your arms parallel to you.

  3. Pay close attention to all sensations.

  4. Repeat this without overstretching limits.

[Guided meditation practice here]

Mindful eating

  1. Set an intention to be present while you eat

  2. Notice food, colour, textures and aroma 

  3. Savour each bite you take. Chew slowly. 

  4. Notice flavour and sensations fully.

The Body Scan 

  1. Lie down on a chair or bed. Arms by sides.

  2. Tune into sensations in your toes and feet. 

  3. Repeat this in the whole body, limb by limb.

  4. Use the breath as an anchor, if needed.

  5. Allow tension to release. Be at ease.

[Guided meditation practice here]

Letting go 

  1. Find calm in the breath or body.

  2. Allow thoughts or worries to be present.

  3. Acknowledge them. Be non-judgemental.

  4. With each exhalation, let one of them go.

  5. Bring self-kindness as needed. Repeat.


So that’s it, all wrapped up!

8 Mindful Paths to Healthy Sleep of and 8 practices with guided meditations, to promote healthier sleep, physical and mental wellbeing. And hopefully, a little less stress as a result!

To learn more ways to manage your stress, or to support your team, book a short discovery call today.

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Waking Waves
📧 hello@wakingwaves.com
☎️ book call to discuss courses or coaching


6 Mindful Gifts of Gratitude


6 Mindful Powers of “The Breath” 😮‍💨