June Joy of Summer 🌤️

June is jam packed with joy, hope and happiness.

The first month of summer, a favourite for weddings and fun times for exuberant exam finishers. Hopeful new beginnings all round!

We take to the outdoors in droves too, unpacking summer sandals and packing out parks, beaches and the first festivals. A nostalgic time of years, with longer evenings to remember the good old days. And a long summer ahead to make new memories.

So it’s the perfect time of year to take up a hobby, plan more moments of self-care, or simply enjoy more time in nature, while the weather is fine.

The arrival of Summer is a reminder to:

  • Enjoy more wellbeing boosting moments outdoors.

  • Connect with loved ones and friends, near or far.

  • Appreciate ‘the good’, old or new.

Here’s 30 ways to get you started in June Joy of Summer

😁 Joy-filled activities to instantly and creatively lift mood and happiness

🕰️  Nostalgia-filled fun to reflect on fond memories and intentionally create new ones

💚  Self-kind habits to maintain and nourish our health and mental wellbeing

  Mindful energisers to wake up our senses, bring focus, or relieve stress and anxiety

The first week of June also marks “Volunteers week” celebrating the contributions of millions who give their time to local communities. And “Bike week” marks 100 years of celebrating ‘cycling for everyone’. Two joy-filled and self-caring habits to get you started.

And for a mindful energiser, join me for a…

40 min de-stress, livestreamed on Insight Timer 1pm, June 2nd  [GMT]

I hope this helps kickstart your June Joy of Summer. And that it’s an inspirational way to support your health and happiness!

Please do share on the buttons below, with anyone who might benefit.

Have a wonderful day!


Waking Waves
📧 hello@wakingwaves.com
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