Joyous June Rejuvenation 🌈

June means the beginning of summer for those of us in the northern hemisphere, winter in the southern. Shorter days in the south, with includes longest day of the year -The Summer Solstice - in the north. So we might be feeling very different right now, depending where you find yourself in the world!

The word June comes from “Juno” the Roman Goddess of childbirth and marriage, who was viewed as the guardian of women. She was also called Regina [Queen], the protector and special counsellor of the state. The name itself comes from the Latin “Iuno” meaning youth.

So what better way to kick off a month of joy, youth and rejuvenation than to thank all the wonderful volunteers, young and old, who serve and support our charities and communities UK wide. Visit NCVO’s Volunteers’ Week to find out more.

Whatever “June” means to you, wherever you are in the world, it’s the beginning of something! And whether it is Volunteers’ Week, Pride Month, World Environment Day, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee or Bike Week 2022, the first week alone includes something special for everyone! A chance to discover, celebrate and explore…

🌈 Joy-filled EXPERIENCES from common folk to The Queen!

💜 Uncovered ATTITUDES to live mindfully and compassionately

🌱 Nourishing HABITS to boost your health and wellbeing 

🌻 Energising ACTIVITIES to inspire and include others

I really hope you find some Joy-filled inspiration in this June calendar. And whether you use it as part of your free guided course, or on it’s own, that it will be a helpful way to support your mental health and wellbeing, and those around you.

Please feel free to share on the buttons below, with anyone who might benefit.

Have a wonderful day!


Waking Waves
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