Awaken April Energy

Spring is in gear and clocks have gone forward in this part of the world. And it’s the end of quarter (or almost year end) for most of us!

But whatever the end of March means for you, I hope it can be the beginning of something special in April. A time when you can re-energise and replenish your mind and body, finding the time to do things you love and enjoy. To renew and revitalise relationships, or rekindle lost connections. To re-discover pastimes or passions and re-connect with the world. To recognise your needs and remember the contribution and value others bring to your life.

awaken april energy calendar

I really hope our April calendar gives you some welcome energy and inspiration. Please feel free to share (buttons at end of page) with anyone who might benefit - would love to see how it might help others too!

Have a wonderful day!



Attitudes of Mindfulness


The season for transforming our wellbeing, is turning right before our eyes